Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009

Adolescent hoax

Basically the hoax is a form of adolescent behavior that youth does not comply with the rules applicable in the community, or can also be said that the hoax is a form of adolescent behavior that deviate
Deviant behavior can also be viewed as a manifestation of social context, and deviant behavior can not be seen simply as an act that is not feasible, but more than that should be seen as a result of the interaction of the transaction that is not true of a social learning environment with the social or "error" from interacting in the social transaction can be collected in several ways (Kauffman, 1989:6)
In a decision Inpres no: 6 / 1997 book 8, also said that the teenager is hoax deviation behavior / actions of a youth anti-social, violate social norms, religion, and the provisions of the applicable law in the community
According to the shapes, sunarwiyati S (1985) to divide the hoax youth in three levels:
1. mischief as usual went out like a house without a farewell, truant schools, etc.,
2. know who will lead the offense and the crime, such as increased motor without sim
3. dido specific abuse such as drug addict, sex relations outside marriage, etc.. In this study, we describe the category as the size of adolescent mischief.
4. been described in the minds emile durkheim (in soerjono soekanto, 1985: 73) deviant behavior that, in certain limits is considered as a normal fact sosiaal, in his book "rules of sociological method" described in that certain limits is a normal adolescent mischief because it is not possible to delete them completely. Thus, a behavior is considered normal if the behavior does not cause disruption or unrest in the community.
5. viewed from the background, one of the causes of adolescent mischief is the lack of social interaction, especially in a family other than that, a social function in society is also required according to (achlis,)

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